POV Solution started in 1993 as a collaborative effort of committed craftsmen, creative business thinkers, and detail-obsessed designers. The POV in our name is taken from persistence of vision, a technical term in visual communications referring to people’s ability to hold an image in their mind even after it’s been removed from sight.
Company founders Chris Yuhasz and Greg Elliot knew the term from their formal education in television broadcasting. They liked it because they saw a persistence of vision as the driving force in creating a different kind of print shop, one where customers could rely on a printer for solutions to their evolving print needs—not just for printed products.
Nearly three decades later, we’re proud to say that our vision has indeed persisted—and become real. Today, we’re a mid-sized print communications company meeting the unique needs of businesses and nonprofits from coast-to-coast.
Meanwhile, we’re constantly on the lookout for innovative techniques and technology that can give our customers a marketplace edge.